Breathe in the fresh air of new life, new beginnings. You're on my territory, play nice or be civilized and leave if you're up to no good. |
Monday, December 31, 2007
The reason I didn't update yesterday was because..
I went to Escape Theme Park. On a Sunday. Where the queues are always long. And you have to wait till you grow a beard to get on a ride. Lucky I have patience. It was kind of boring there. Ok,except when we took the Pirate ship and Wet&Wild. Mama,Syimir,Me and Kakak took the most backseat on the ship. I think it was the first time Syimir took that ride. The last time he tried taking it,he was too short for the ride. He paled. Hahahah! Kesian kau Syimir! I took the Wet&wild ride with my sister. She was sitting in front. So obviously,I got all the water. Yes,I was horribly soaked. -.-" I teased Abah yesterday. "You're afraid of heights aren't you?" "Noo I'm not!" *Insyirah is grinning* "Hahah,yeah.Keep telling yourself that." He was trying to find for more excuses,but stood with his mouth agape. Hahaha,give it up lah Abah! Ouh yes,Kakak. How did you spell horrifying again? H-O-R-R-O-R-F-Y-I-N-G. How did you get through secondary school English is a wonder to me. Kakak,I think you knocked your head on something. She wore her pajama pants the wrong way around only to realise it a few hours later. She came running into the room and laughing at the same time. I gave her a very 'you're-such-and-idiot' look when she told me what happened. No,more like I saw what happened. I'm wondering.. Why in the world am I singing Malin Kundang's theme song? Weird. I don't even watch that show. I guess at the end,we always think about the beginning. How true Mr Smith. Mr&Mrs Smith is so cool! Haha,ketinggalan zaman. But seriously. I'm thinking of going to the countdown at Downtown. But,I'd rather stay at home to watch the countdown at Vivo. But then again,wouldn't it be fun to experience the atmosphere? But I don't feel like going out! But,but,but.. -.-" Izzul just stood up and went; "Ultraman!" Random! Ouh,I turned to Izzul yesterday and said, "Kau ni,Benazir Bhutto ah Zul!" And he laughed hysterically. I didn't mean to say that anyway. Sort of slipped out. Again,was being random. Bye! :D Saturday, December 29, 2007
Of all the days my mum asked me to go grocery shopping,it had to be today. -.-" Malas lah Mama! I woke up and was straight away given instructions to the chores I have to do. Yes,I get cranky when someone wake me up in the middle of a peaceful slumber just to do something. Ouh yeah,Aidah needs the pics. Hahaha,I shall upload. Sabar hor. There you go cousin! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jumbled up pics are my specialty. Hahahaha! Attention to all netballers! There will be training this coming Wednesday for ALL players. School team or otherwise. Please bring balls,bibs,etc. Thank You :) I miss trainings. Weird but true. I actually played Netball alone yesterday night. Why? Because I was rotting at home with nothing else to do. I know something that nobody does. And what's that you shall ask? Of course it's a secret and I shall keep. So now I will never begin. RANDOM! I am patiently waiting for Iqah to send me a song. Insyirah A happy delusion says: eh,i want my song lah dey! iqah. The Pathetic Attempt Of A Loser says: sabar lah Insyirah A happy delusion says: hahahahaha iqah. The Pathetic Attempt Of A Loser says: tinggal 5% Insyirah A happy delusion says: okay dokie Insyirah A happy delusion says: insyirah is a girl with patience iqah. The Pathetic Attempt Of A Loser says: LIAR! Insyirah A happy delusion says: no im not! Insyirah A happy delusion says: it's true! Now I got the song. Thanks Iqah! :) You owe me one big hug. Remember that. Hahahahaha! School's opening in 5 days time if my calculations are correct. Can't wait but at the same time,I can. Still in a holiday mood,but I want to go to school. Oh,something absolutely hilarious and idiotic happened last night. All thanks to my bloody blur sister. Here's what happened. She was walking into the room. And she happened to sneeze while walking. It's general knowledge that you can't keep your eyes open when you sneeze. So there she was,sneezing while walking. And she failed to estimate the distance between her and the fan. So a split second later,she bangs into the fan. I was there to witness the whole scene happening. And what makes things more idiotic was that.. She had this damn spastic look on her face when she banged into the fan. And the fan rebounded. -.-" And of course,I couldn't stop laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow kakak,I'm impressed by your stupidity. Ya Allah! Enough. Bye! :D Friday, December 28, 2007
Like I said,we camwhored at the beach.
Hahaha,enjoy! Sze Ling should be lucky I was kind enough not to put up the picture of her face that happens to be covered in flour here. :) Ouh and Aidah,I have the pics we took! I'll post it up later. Just save it from here ok? Thanks Nazhurah and Lynn. Both of your uploadings are greatly appreciated. Thank You! :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bye! (:
Thursday, December 27, 2007
talking about knife!
i accidentally stir my milo with a butterknife. i thought it was my spoon,apparently.*talks to syirah,saw something shiny on the tabletop,absentmindedly pick it up and stir* Yes,that was the exact words written in my sister's blog. For more insight,kindly press the link below. (: In the case of you gedumbaks out there,the link is; Sister Ain. I am sticking to my assumption and theory that she was lagging yesterday and her brain was half asleep. Her countless stupidity somehow amazes me. Kakak,kakak. And apparently,that incident became a HOTHOT story. I think you should publish a book Kakak. Anyhoots,back to the point. I went out early today. Went to the holding school,took my book. And yes,I saw a bunch of people that I know of. Yes,thanks for the acknowledgement. :) Ooooooh,I saw Wee Sin! Hahahahahaha,I technically ran up to him. Failed to realise however that his mum and brother was walking behind. Hahahaha,sorry dude! Oh and Shida,I looooooove your new hair. Really,I do! Went to Whitesands after that. Hamdy,thanks for the donuts. Then we met the rest at interchange and walked to the pit. I'll cut it short. Barbequed. Ate the chicken. I actually ate 5 cause it tasted soooo delicious! Juan Ling pandai marinate ah babe! Hahahaha. Had grilled marshmallows. Yumyum! Played football with Marlina. She is like the butt joke when it comes to football. But never mind,Insyirah is always here to coach. Macam faham! Eh,I'm not joking lah. Then we birthday bashed Sze Ling. I threw a fistful of flour on her face and she swallowed it. Hahahahahahaha! Again,happy belated 16th Birthday captain! Played Frisbee with Amirah,Yani and Shafiqah. Hahahahaha,best! You know,the barbeque is sooo fun.. That I can practically smell the smoke now. Actually,I think I smell of the barbeque smoke. Even though I bathed. Hahahaha! *Kakak is talking and I hear her voice somewhere in the background* Pretends to hear and nods head. *turned to her and gave her a look of bewilderment* "What did you just say?" *she gave me a one of a kind look* "You weren't listening?!?!" *tells the story again* And this time,I laughed. Yes,my brain is very laggy today. Ouh yes,of course. Me,Nina and Lynn camwhored. Will upload the pics as soon as I get it from Lynn and Nazhurah. Ouh yes,Naz! Kesian kau kena go,you-know-where. Hahahaha! Err,so many things happened today that I don't think I can squeeze it all in one post. So I'll just stop here. Someone's waiting for me! Bye! :) Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Alvin and the Chipmunks was awesome!
They're sooo cute and adorable. Especially Theodore. My new found love. Hahaha! My sister and I are planning on buying their soundtrack. They produce prettaye nice songs. The type where you feel like shaking your booty to the music when it plays. Hamdy,I made you a blog. Welcome to the blogging world,have fun blogging! :D Ouh,credits to my sister also. We actually stayed up till 3 to do his blog. And spend some time writing this errr..diplomatic letter. So Kakak says. Lol! You know,you should pardon me for jumbling up all of my stories. They don't usually go in sequence. I normally type down what comes to my mind. So just now,after the splendid movie.. Met my mum and Izzul. Dad fetched us after that. Went for lunch. Okay,late lunch. Had Chicken Cutlet Pasta. Then I bought Ice Jelly Cocktail. "Where's the jelly?" "There's no jelly lah,only ice and fruit.I saw her prepare it." "What?It's JELLY cocktail,there should be jelly." "I don't know" "I've been cheated of my money!" Hahahahaha,crap. Ouuh,seems like I'm not the only one who shares the same sentiments here. Wooohooo Aidah! Ok,dah. I can't believe what I am doing right now! Tsk,tsk,tsk.. Insyirah,Insyirah. Barbeque's tomorrow. Can't wait. Hope it doesn't rain. Sze Ling,be prepared to be sabotaged! Thank god there's the abundant of seawater there. Ouh,Happy 16th Birthday Captain! :) Bye! :) Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Ok,so that is done!
Credits to Kakak for helping me. The blogskin is a little bit big too fit my comp resolution. But when I adjust the resolution,the pictures are not in the centre. -.-" Ah,but oh well. The post are still seen. So is the tagboard. So I guess I'm done here! Bye! :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzzhM5e5bU8 Watch this. I'll write his lyrics here. Jingle BOMBS Bye! Monday, December 24, 2007
"Sleeping tu tidur tau.." That was a very random statement made by Izzul. I gave him a look of pure puzzlement and said,"Yeah..I know that." Didn't update yesterday cause I was bloody stuck at my cousin's wedding. Went to the dinner on Saturday evening. There was this huge tentage in the middle of the freaking field. And it was strictly for artistes. I went,"What the fuck?!?!" when I was told that. You know,I'm not really going to talk much about this wedding. Even though there were a bunch of cute and hot artistes there. But oh man,was Baihakki hot or what? Hahahaha,he was standing right beside me and I had to literally look him up cause he was soooooo goddamn tall. Pity the wedding. It was condemned severely. I swear,I won't ever make my wedding like that. I mean,considering the amount of money spent.. I can use that for my future you know! Where was their brains when they plan that? Sorry,couldn't help it. But nevertheless,crapping around with Aidah was entertaining. Hahaha,she forgot my donuts I guess. Hamdy,I got my suji! Hahahahahahah,too bad you couldn't teleport huh? Oh,and if any of you want more info on the wedding. Kindly press the link to my sister's blogpage. Pssst kakak,I'm promoting your blog here. And I took picture with Fauzy Laily and Shah Iskandar. What the hell? Hahaha,I put the blame on my mum. Fauzy was apparently Abang Taufiq's bestman. I want to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks! Those adorable little creatures got my heart melting. They're so cute. I think if they're my pets,I would entertain them 24/7. "Who changed the channel?!?!" "Izzul." Izzul answered that in a very timid voice,it was so adorable! Hahaha. If any of you have Berita Harian for today,read page 6. The top right hand corner,that article. I was laughing the whole time I was reading it. HAHAHAHA! I should just post the pictures. The ones that I got I mean. Still waiting for Kak Nisa to upload and send them. (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Syimir and Izzul had the Batik Java theme.Haha! ![]() ![]() That's all I got. Bye! :) Saturday, December 22, 2007
Today was the latest I have ever woke up.
Not going to tell the time. Bloody flu. I'll turn with the intention to rise,and then I'll just fall into slumber again. Insyirah,Insyirah. I gave in to my brother's pleading. Asked me to play Stress with him. So I did. Then I told him,"Lets play Cikopak instead." Is that the correct spelling? Ah,as long as you get what I mean then it's fine. I was sooo bored,I decided to watch Arsenal vs Chelsea again. Fabregas HOT. I loooove his hair. Actually Draco is hotter. And his hair is much nicer. Draco Malfoy. Up till now,no one really knows his middle name. It's either it was revealed in the last book but I forgot.. Or Mrs Rowling didn't say a thing. But I love it if his name goes like this; Draco Alexander Malfoy. Nice. "Syimir,kau punye buah putih ke hitam?" I turned my head soo fast I think I cringe my neck. That was my grandmother. Syimir was playing chess with Fida'iy. Of course my immediate reaction was to laugh like a maniac. And then it finally dawn upon my grandmother that she had said something dirtaye and wrong. And everybody else started laughing. HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Haaaaiya,2 more hours till 5. I'm going out! TOOT. But on the bright side,I get to meet Aidah. And on a cheery note,I get my donuts. Insyallah,so Aidah says. Ewwww,I'm witnessing a scene of intimacy. My mum is errr... Peeling something from my dad's face. I'm not used to seeing this things. People who know that I have something against PDA will know what I mean. "It's just something small,you haven't seen them smooch" "Damn,nooooo!" Thanks for putting that disturbing mental image in my head Kakak. There's people crowding at the chess table and I'm glad I'm sitting here. In front of the computer. :) Bye! Was that abrupt? :D Friday, December 21, 2007
I've not updated yesterday have I?
Now I am. Yesterday was obviously Hari Raya Haji. I didn't get to see the sheeps though. Haha. Went to Kak Nisa's house to celebrate the ocassion. She made this very delicious cute little muffins. When I finished salam-ing everyone,I quickly took one. Hahahaha,tak tau sabar! And while we were there,the show Tentang Bulan was on. It's been a long time since I've watched that show. Very nice,cute and sweet movie. :) The channel was switched to Asian Idol after that. I swear to god,my cousins and I will never quit talking about Mau Marcelo. Haha,I shall just keep quiet about what exactly was being talked about her. Hush,hush! Went to training today. The weather was good. Walked to Junyuan Primary. I thought we were suppose to coach them. But actually we were supposed to paint the court for them. -.-" So we started painting. You see,the problem is.. When you have only 7 people and you're required to paint the whole gigantic court.. It's not really an easy job. You'll finish the sideline and think that,"Ok,I'm done!" You look up and see that the transfer line is still left unpainted. That's when you will start hearing girls complaining. And with the sun blazing above you,it's not really a nice condition to be working in. Nevertheless,it was fun. Peng Hui was a mess. See,her cup that has paint in it was leaking. She apparently didn't know until the strong wind decided to blow and the paint was splashed on her. She walked past me and I went,"Did you just murdered someone?" Yes,you would probably have guessed by now that it was red paint. Hahaha! But miraculously,we finished painting the court in less than 2 hours. Hmm,not a bad job. And considering majority of us there weren't professional painters,it really was a job well done. So coach says. Yes,she was the one who asked us to paint the court. Ah well,at least we get CIP hours. Went to KFC after that. Me,Nina,Lynn,Jing Yi and Jia Ling was there. Sitting,eating,talking,laughing. It was fun. I suddenly came up with an idea to have our self-training. So we quickly left KFC and headed towards Simei court. It was 12 noon. And the sun was scorching hot. We still played though. And since there weren't enough people,we came up with new strategies. Our own way of doing it. "Don't you think the seniors should know this?" "They'll be stepping down soon anyway..we're on our own after that" "Yeah,true." So with that,we continued. The bold is mine. Those people who don't really understand Netball,just pretend to understand. My cousin's getting married tomorrow. I really am looking forward to it. NOT! Wait,what is nikah in English? I was wondering and so was Lynn. I asked her what it was only to get the same question as my answer. -.-" I'll just get a translator then. Aidah,you better be there tomorrow. I really need to meet you and start spilling. I bet you do too. Hahaha. Oh,and don't forget my donuts! I'll pay you back ok? :) Finally I got my water-heater fixed. I should say thank you to my grandparents for buying it and my uncle for fixing it. Now I do not need to worry about getting freaking cold in the morning after shower. :D Ahh,I'm hungry again. I want Suji lah! Bye! xD Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I just did my Arm's Strength work-out just now.
How? By cutting meat. -.-" It's Hari Raya Haji tomorrow and I absolutely can't wait. Why? Cause I get to meet Siti Zubaidah Mohd Noh! And cousin,I WANT MY SUGAR-COATED DONUT! Ouh,can I ask you to do me a favour? I need those pictures changed. Now you have something to cure your boredom. :D I'm watching Trading Spouses right now.. And one of the family got a real hot new mum. Those two hormonal teenage boys went gaga. Boys will be boys. Oh,and Ferhan messaged me saying that Jamie Spears is pregnant. Yes,look at the name carefully. I myself got confused and leave it at Britney. And a few lagging seconds later,I ran out and asked my sister if he said Jamie. Haha,she's only 16. I guess the Spears family will get 2 more grandkids huh? But hey,why do I care? Went out with Marlina yesterday. We were supposed to meet Sahidah. And she didn't turn up. -.-" Shida,you owe me and Nina big time! So we ended up with Hamdy,Raqiib and Haziq. I swear to god,I should build a barrier between Marlina and Hamdy. While they were busy arguing,I was talking on the phone with Aidah. And yes,it's hard to talk on the phone while there are 2 hooligans arguing beside you. Talked till 3 yesterday. Apparently,sex was the main topic. You people with dirtaye minds. Tsk,tsk,tsk. You know,I'm suppose to be helping my Grandmother now.. But yet here I am,blogging. Insyirah,Insyirah. Oops,my grandmother just yelled! Bye! :) Monday, December 17, 2007
Full time.
1-0. Way to go Manchester! In your face lah Iqah,Liverpool lost! Confidently text-ed me saying, "LIVERPOOL WILL WIN XD!" Who's laughing now huh? And surprisingly,Arsenal won. I guess I don't owe you anything Shida. But you owe me something.. Hahaha! "Your Asian Idol is...Hady Mirza!" "Whaaaaaat?!?!?!" "Is she playing at something,did I hear correctly?" "Bloody hell I want Mike to win!" "Aha!I told you he'll win.." "Noooooo,this is very unexpected." "But oh well,I guess I'm happy my country won." Those are the different reactions received after the winner was announced. And as predicted,that was the hot hot topic for today. I went to training and this was being discussed. We slacked. Haha,self-training right.. No coach. Court games are filled with laughter. No pressure! Ouh,and we booked the barbecue pit for 27 Dec. Haha,at Pasir Ris Park. I'm so going to go. Mike Mohaded is sooooo cute! Absolutely adorable. While guys are busy going gaga over Phuong Vy,I'm going gaga over Mike. Ok,not really gaga. But he's soooooo cute! I feel like pinching his cheeks when he smiles. Apart from his good vocals,he has a nice character. See the reason why I wanted him to win so much? It's raining. The wind is blowing. And my bed is calling me. So I'm going to finish this post.. And go to sleep. Bye! :) P.S:Manchester United won! :D Sunday, December 16, 2007
The guilt consumes.
Yet,I'm not taking the risk. Went to my uncle's house just now. Can you believe that I actually got taught by an 8 year old. Taught what? Chess. Hahaha! I still don't understand that deeply though. But oh well,thanks Fida'iy. And Shufyaan. Played Stress. I'm the Stress Queen! Lol,no kidding. The Diary Of Jane acoustic version is nice. And soothing I guess. Match today! Important,important! Must watch. I got training tomorrow. I do miss netball training. I'd rather go training then being cooped up at home. Shida,if Manchester United & Chelsea wins today.. We celebrate later on ok? I treat you to something,you treat me to something. Deal? And if Arsenal lose,Hamdy has to treat us to something. Hahahaha,he can't oppose. Damn,does this woman ever stop babbling and rambling? If it sense she's talking,I wouldn't mind. But this is completely the opposite. Thus the reason of the unexpected trip to my uncle's house. Oh,and I played my cousins' remote control car! It's been a loooong time since I've done that. I want one for my birthday! Shut up,remote control cars are for adults too you know. So I don't see the wrong in owning and playing one. :) I actually watched Asian Idol yesterday. While critiquing some of the idols with Raqiib. My gossip partner. Hahahha,right.. "Tak baik mengumpat.." Yer,ok. :D Ok,bye! P.S:Watch today's match! Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm currently crapping with Aidah and her Bestie,Mister Junkiat.
Hahahahaha! Yesterday evening. One word. AWESOME! Thanks for everything yeah people? Loooove it a lot. I had fun. :) I'm going to Loyang Point later. Buying Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix DVD. Like finally! Hahahaha. Hikmah is at its last! Damn,damn,damn. I soooo love Hikmah 3. It's the best compared to the last 2. And now Raqiib is telling me to watch Andai Ku Tahu. Hahaha,let's see if it's a good show. The encore telecast of the 2nd last episode is on now. And I'm watching while blogging. I can't wait for Sunday's match. Manchester Utd against Liverpool baby! Ferhan,you gotta watch it. And Shida,I'm supporting Chelsea later on. Arsenal's going down. Say yes Shida. Hahaha! Ouuuh,Singapore won third. Thailand won the championship. No surprise. Singapore actually thrashed Vietnam? Hahahahha,right.. Ok. Out of things to say. Bye! :D Friday, December 14, 2007
Hikmah 3 is ending in 2 more episodes.
Damn! Now I'm short of 1 favourite tv show. -.-" Bye Hikmah!
Waiting for the clock to strike 5.15 :) Sakura,here I come! I wonder if I can gobble down all the food served. It's a buffet eh? You know,since I didn't actually eat a proper meal yesterday.. I think I'll be able to fill up the tank. "You at home ah,eat a lot!" That was my grandmother. I'm amaze at how she can confuse me with my sister. I do not eat a lot when I'm at home. But even so,I exercise. Unlike someone who rots at home and continue eating.. Look at your butt Kakak! Oopsy. I hear knocking. Nope,no one's knocking at the door. My dad is currently hammering on the bed's support. He's helping my grandmother to fix it back. See,her bed support got dismembered. And she just realised that that was the cause to the rickety noise everytime she climbs into bed. I laughed when I got to know. Why? Imagine this,she and my grandfather is sleeping at night. They're sound asleep. So is everyone else at home. And suddenly,I hear a loud thud. BADABOOM! I open their bedroom door. And find them on the floor. That's a scene. Ok,I admit.. I broke my bed before. I swear to god,that was one fun thing that actually happened in the bedroom. And damn,don't start thinking dirty. My siblings and I had our usual pillow fight. I was on my bed,standing. And the next second,the bed crashed. And to make matters worst. It was 12 midnight. So my father had to hammer the bed back together. And to all the residents out there who heard the nuisance hammering.. Pretty sorry. :D School is going to reopen soon. And I guess I can't wait for it to reopen. But then again,when I think about us moving to the holding school. I'll start to eat my words back. "That's not a school,that's a jail cell!" Bloody hell,I get that a lot. And no,I've never been there before. I will be on the 27 December. Let's see how truly grotesque the school is. Till then.. ![]() I just loooove this picture. Look at how cute Draco is. And the cute caption. Haha! Bye! :) Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy 40th Birthday my dear uncle!
Old,but young at heart. :) Just had to do that. Itchy fingers. Nina,are we going out tomorrow? I've stayed at home for 4 and a half days and... I feel caged in! This irritating pop-out keeps popping out asking me to restart the computer. Later lah! If only it can listen. -.-" I got my Custard donut yesterday. I still want more! But nevertheless,thanks Kakak. Oh,do you know that rainbow has a new colour? It's bullshit brown. How cool is that? You know,I tried on the Amethyst shirt last Tuesday.. And bloody hell! I think it's ok. Hahaha. But still,Amethyst?!?! I need Mc Cafe now. Now. Now. Now. Okay,maybe tomorrow. If I happen to go out. Nina,now is a very good time for you to save me. Argh!! And Sida,I forgot to tell you that we're having a movie marathon. I think you read Iqah's blog already so you should know what's going on. Cancancan? Call or text me if anything comes up. :D I miss my friends! I think each of us miss each other. Badly. Right? We need to spend time before school reopens. Thus,the movie marathon. Haha! I see my brother has got his school books. So have I. And I got my cupboard cleaned. All that dust. And all that non stop sneezing after that. Insyirah the red nose human,has a very funny name. Or is it nose? I inhaled too much Vapex medication yesterday that I even taste it. I still smell it now. Strong smell,but it's nice. Iqah may get high on Tic Tac. I get high on Vapex. Hahahahahaha,weird. But true. Abrupt ending here. Bye! :D P.S:For those of you idiots who believe that rainbow has a new colour.. I think you guys need your brains scanned. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tsk,tsk,tsk.
Click to enlarge. It's just something small. Not the worst I came up with. :) Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ok lah Haziqah.
Since you're begging. I shall stop. Hahahaha! Count your lucky stars! I'm usually not this nice. It was fun while it lasted though. Hahahaaha,defacing sure is a nice thing to do. Once in a while that is. I'm just in a one-of-a-kind mood today. Lol! Cheeky and cunning. Insert sly grin here. Huahuahuahua! Aidah,crapping in the conversation just now was fun eh? Hahahaha,our 12-year old cousin didn't even understand a thing we said! "Ape korang berbual?" Hahaha,I laughed at that question. And cousin,bring me those donuts! Must,must! Sooooo soft and yummy. All that sugar coating. OMG,I'm salivating! Argghhhh,I'm making myself hungry. I want donuts! Donuts. Doughnuts. Donuts. Doughnuts. Donuts. Doughnuts. Either way you spell it,it still looks yummy and tempting. The smell.. Oh,heaven! Ok Insyirah,stop it! Bye lah! :)
Ambik kau Iqah! Take that! Hahhaha,Gerrard was defaced for an extra special touch. Nice right Iqah? I know,I know. Thank you,Thank you. Ouh,click to enlarge. I shall continue with my everday normal post. Today's training was cancelled due to the non-stop downpour. Too bad I got the message after I showered. -.-" So I had my early breakfast,read Dexter in the Dark. And went back to bed. Woke up at 11. Hahahahaha! Anyone up for a movie marathon? Iqah,you're in charge of popcorn! Give the job of sodas to Reuben. Lol! I think I should get back to more defacing. Bye! :) P.S:Iqah,that was just the beginning. It wasn't even the worst yet from me either. *Evil smirk* Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Taking my school books later.
I'm craving for Yummy Doughnuts. That Custard one. It slipped my mind to hand my sister some money. See,I 'ordered' her to buy me some doughnuts. Which I don't think she will since I didn't give her any money. -.-" I'm craving for Mc Cafe too. And the picture of the Iced Chocolate at Kak Nisa's blog is not helping. Oooohh,I see people are extremely bored at home. They're asking me out. Too bad I'm not free. Sorry ah! I'm having a very random conversation with Zul right now. First we talked about eating Nestum. Then we started talking about over-sleeping. Random is fine. Continue! MSN really does wonders. Blogs too. Cousin whom I rarely talk to,I start talking to them. Communication is vital. Hahahaha! Right.. I think I'm quite done here. Bye! :) P.S:I'm in Amethyst! Just saying this again. Lol! Monday, December 10, 2007
![]() Click to enlarge. I swear to god,Sahidah.. If I'm beside you right now I would have choked you. Yes,that's Sahidah's masterpiece. Revenge for Ikram. Pity Manchester United's beautiful picture. Sahidah what have you done?!?!?! I'm giving you a very dirtaye look right now kiddo.
![]() Hahaha. One of the best in sex-Errr,whaaat? The rest is for the others to tell. Kakak,I'll check yours.
Happy 19th Birthday Ferhan!
Big old boy heh? Just cancel out one movie ticket,that's your present. That way.. You lose nothing,gain nothing. :) "Your grandmother has gone bonkers!" I muttered that on my way to my bedroom. Syimir heard that somehow. Then he laughed. Haha! You know I don't usually go to my siblings and say,"You're cute!" No,no,no. So this was what happened yesterday. Syimir laughed at some joke I made, I looked at him and it sort of slipped out, "You sooo cute!" His eyes widened then he covered his face. "Ooops,did I just said that?" Hahahahhaahahha. Then my sister said,"Look,now he's embarrassed,aww.." -.-" Skipped training just now. I can hardly open my eyes when I woke up in the morning. Sorry Nina! And Naz. My sister and I had a heartfelt confession yesterday night. Ok,she did. I just listened most of the time. Haha,funny why we always do that when we're lying in bed. Lights off,specs kept. On the verge of drifting off,but ended up having these talks. It's kind of nice anyway. Right Kakak? :) My fingers are itching to publish this post and click on the Fanfiction web page. This is where the abrupt ending comes. So my sister said. Bye! :) Sunday, December 09, 2007
I have 180 posts.
Add this one,181. I'm in Amethyst next year! WTF! Gay colour! I want Sapphire! Nazhurah,change classes with me! Fine,let's have a Gay Parade! Go Amethyst,yay! NOT! P.S:Look at how many exclamation marks there is. Tsk,tsk,tsk. BYE! :)
She's acting like a dictator.
Haiya.. -.-" Hail Hitler? I've been planning to watch Suster Ngesot since last Friday. But there's been delays. Everytime I want to play it,I'll get distracted by something else. I watched George of The Jungle just now. I loveee his body. Burning hot. Haha! I have drills tomorrow. Should I go or should I not? But I'd rather occupy my time with drills than being stuck at home doing chores. No Ma'am! I won't oblige to that. No. No. No. No. Fullstop. . Went to Hawana Cafe just now. Had Lasagna. It's nice. Especially when you're drinking Snapple too. "The weather's playing games on us," Kakak. Soo true. One moment you're walking under the scorching hot sun and the next, Say hello to the heavy rain! That's December alright. Where the weather is highly unpredictable. And often frustrating. I bought socks just now. And got laughed at by my sister for trying them on when I reached home. Hahaha! She took out her old photos taken with her friends. When they were in sec 1 onwards. Hahaha. I laughed like I've actually gone bonkers. My sister was like,"Oh my god!I was that nerdy?!?!?!" At one point I kept on laughing and laughing that she asked, "What's so funny?Ketawe ade standard sikit boleh tak." That wasn't a question. Hahahahahahha! The laughter went silent after that. Silent laughter is always the dangerous one. Lol! Ever heard of anyone who actually died of laughter? Yeah,I find it absolutely tragic and hilarious. One moment you're happy and the next you're dead. Hahahaha! And on your tombstone it says; Died of over-happiness. Kind of cool though. Unique. Hahaha! Bye! :D Saturday, December 08, 2007
It's not who you are to the world,it's who you are to me.
It's not how many times I say,'I love you'. It's how much I really do. That up there,makes perfect sense. It goes to every single person I love. My family. My friends. And to you. :) Listen to the song Tattoo by Jordin Sparks. Nice rhythm. Constantine is currently playing on XBOX. Long time no see huh Constantine? Nice to see you. And hello to you demons also. :D I had to wrestle Izzul just now. He was putting up a struggle. Why? He didn't want to wash his hands after eating. I swear to god,he is one stubborn kid. Look who's the sister,can't be blame. Right,and my mum will say.. "Look who's the mother." Ah,discussing about what to wear for my cousin's wedding. Don't like. Very troublesome and chaotic. No choice,go with it. -.-" It's suppose to be grand. Err.. No comment. Bye lah!
My mum bought for my brothers each a Puma shirt.
I want one! Haiya.. I'm going to go hunting for songs now. There's a bunch of them,iTunes is going to fill up. Thank me! Thank me! Your welcome (: See,talking to myself. Hahahaha! You know,I find Mr Bean extremely weird. But interesting. Funny but lame. Clever but ingenious. Idiotic and exaggerating. That makes sense to you? Go figure. I'm going to spend my computer hours on FanFiction today. Shall end the post here. Bye! :D Friday, December 07, 2007
Eh shite shite shite!
This is not happening! I'm losing it. Fuck. Damn. No! I think I need a break. But how? I can't just say it. Toooooooooot! This is Insyirah In Distress. I need the Suicide hotline. Hahah,no lah. Numb. Don't feel a thing. Warning: Stay Away. I'm at th East,the West will be good. Weapon Mass Destruction. There,I've said it. Don't say I didn't warn you. Period.
I am sooooo freaking not in the mood to blog.
Tired you know! But for making up for yesterday,I'll just do it. Chey,step Nike. Just Do It. Yesterday was alright. Period. No more questions and story-telling. I'm practically frothing at the mouth from telling you people. -.-" Today's match was against Pasir Ris sec again. Won. We didn't get the chance to play against Springfield. Time constraint. But while waiting for our turn to play.. Nina was going around disturbing EVERYONE. Including ME. She did something that caught me off guard,I actually screamed like a girl! Haha,but I ended up becoming her assistance in crime. Search for victims,majority was my juniors. Their reactions are funny! Shida,I'm posting. Relax girl! Best tak? Flood tagboard aku.. Haha,but I gave you permission so it's absolutely fine. Haha,one source of entertainment. Went to Afgan with Nina,Naz and Lynn after training. Pity Naz for getting scratched by the cat. "Don't touch him,he'll scratch you." Thanks Lynn for the warning. Hahaha! Then we went our separate ways. Nina and me was walking towards the busstop when I said; "I long time never eat Mr Softee already,want to buy?" So we went to 7-11. That's one craving fulfilled. (: Great,I'm layaning people who are flooding my tagboard and chatting with them at the same time. Nice! Keep up the good work. *Not being sarcastic,sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I want FanFiction. So,bye! :) Wednesday, December 05, 2007
![]() Insyirah Lies become truth says: ape tu? i guess im getting tired of being that last thing on your mind says: rooney cabut kepala ronaldo i guess im getting tired of being that last thing on your mind says: alot of blood Insyirah Lies become truth says: hahahahahahahaha Insyirah Lies become truth says: bagus Insyirah Lies become truth says: send aku! Credits to Sahidah for that gruesome picture. But it's kind of nice huh? Hahahaha,wer're spamming my tagboard! Go on,keep up the good work. Kat MSN tak nak berbual.. Weird. It's normal.
Let sing nursery rhymes!
It's raining,it's pouring. Raindrops are falling. Yadadadada.. Forgot the the rest. Heh! (: Take a penny with some magic,even though your life is tragic. Hahahaha,that sentence is funny. It's from Spongebob. The show was on just now and when I heard that I went, "Whaaaat?" The match against Pasir Ris just now went alright. We won. Again,well done team! But the weather was going on and off. When it was raining,we played coconut tree. I swear to god,my juniors are little torturing maniacs. -.-" Then we played poison ball and cruise. Haha,cruise is a very violent game. Poor Susan.. Hahaha! I'm going to look for pictures of Bumble Bee and Optimus Prime. Hey,it's not for me okay? It's for Syimir. Been bugging me to print them for him. So as a good sister that I am,I shall obliged. Chey,macam faham! I just hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Kan,kan,kan? Just say yes lah. Ok,I'm going to Google for the pics now. Then off to read FanFiction. Bye! :D Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Hahaha,Izzul had a fall just now.
Okay,more like 4 falls. The first one was at the balcony. The second one was when he was walking towards the shop. Tripped and fell,classic. He scraped his knee,so I had to carry him all the way to the shop and back. Kalau ringan takpe jugak.. Third was while he was on his bike. Turned a sharp corner and lost balance,fell sideways and landed in the house. Yeah,he fall near the doorway. If that was caught on tape,I would have send it to Singapore's Funniest Home Videos. The fourth one was on his bike,again. He was speeding and lost his footing on the pedals and,BADABOOM! Now my sides are hurting from laughing. Izzul,Izzul.. Friendly match against Pasir Ris sec tomorrow. We're going to their new school. Haha,can't wait I guess. You know,torturing somebody is kind of fun. Haha,but just make sure you don't get beaten at your own game. I just realise,that it's been months since I last read FanFiction. I still remember being addicted to fanfiction. I can spend hours on the computer reading fanfiction. It's easy to get re-addicted again. And I think it's ok to get addicted again now. Since I've got nothing better to do. So here I go! Bye! :) Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm actually feeling lethargic now.
I want to sleep,but i don't want to. Get it? Now,my only entertainment is Achmed,The Dead Terrorist. I don't know exactly how many times I've watched that video.. But it's rocks! I want to go to class chalet lah! Walio eh,very irritating. I live in a household full with rules and adults who are old school. But what to do? I can't just go up to them and tell them; "Can you please be a little bit modernise?" Maybe I can,I've tried. But they won't budge. That's where I got my stubbornness from. Hehe! (: I need some entertainment! I mean,besides Achmed. Maybe I should just go catch some sleep huh? Yeah,that'll be a good idea. Friendly match with Bedok North Sec just now was fine. We won,and not by a close margin. It was quite a big gap. Well done Tampines! Particularly referring to the netballers. :D I'm going to say bye now.. Bye! :) Sunday, December 02, 2007
Never frown,even when you are sad.
Because you never know who might be falling in love with your smile. (: You know what it reminds me of? Like when there's a storm coming,and all the animals somehow know to disappear. All of a sudden there's no birds,no noises. And you look up,and there's a twister headed right for you. Haha,just something I feel like writing down. My mum just dismembered my fan. -.-" She's getting on my nerve,that woman. One bruised fist coming right up! :D I'm going to repeat this again; I have an extremely cute little brother. Highly intelligent. Very talkative. And last but not least, Goddamn irritating. But above it all,he's very very lovable. Yeap. (: To my utter dismay,Starmovies is gone. Gone,gone,gone. So the same for HBO,HBO Hits,HBO Family and so on. Should suck up to my Grandmother to subscribe huh? I have a porridge addiction. I ate porridge four times yesterday. Breakfast,lunch,dinner and supper. I know some of you would probably go,"Eeeeeewww,porridge!" But hey,when it comes to porridge cooked by my Grandmother.. It's very irresistible. *sighs* I have kenduri later on. I don't want to go! Not in the mood for kenduris. Very lazy lah.. But what to do? No choice. Have to and must go. Yes ma'am! Bye! (: Saturday, December 01, 2007
Totally random question;
"Does our great grandmother have and great grandsons or great granddaughters?" "What are we?" "Oh yeah,I missed a link.Hehe!" Yeah,that was a conversation I had with my sister. Oops,be right back. My grandfather just honked. Back. I actually played Scrabble with my brother yesterday. He was like,"Play Scramble with me please.." "It's Scrabble Syimir,you think scramble egg or what?" "I have a problem of pronouncing that word." Yes ah! The smell that I so dearly miss came floating back to me yesterday. Hahahahahahaaha,nice! Thank you (: Song currently stuck in my head: 'Use me as you will Pull my strings just for a thrill And I know I'll be okay Though my skies are turning grey' Ring a bell? It's,Your Guardian Angel. Bye! |