Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I guess the pain's here to stay.
Ignoring it is the only way.
Thus,I'm smiling.
I'd rather go to school.
Home is a boredom.
I woke up,showered,ate.
Then I went in my room and did Social Studies revision.
I shall pretend I understand.
So then finally,I went out to meet Nina.
Met her at Loyang Point.
Waited for Lynn so while waiting,we ate.
And then she was telling me stories from school.
Haiya,I wish I was in school just now.
See,the reason I wanted to meet Nina was because I wanted my Social Studies notes.
And how great was it that it slipped her mind to pack it in her bag.
So technically,I went there just to eat and have a chat with her.
Hahaha,it's ok.
People tend to forget.
And she's passing it to me later anyway.
Hamdy,the haircut's nice.
Don't be so vain will you?
Did I mention that I absolutely looooooovvvveeeee watching Avatar?
It's like the coolest cartoon show ever created.
It beats X-Men.
Aang is so cute.
So is Saka.
I'm hunting for all the episodes.
I know Nabilah has them.
I want!
I want!
But I guess I can dream on.
Okay,this pain is unbearable.
Bye.When the light disappears.And when this world's insincere.
How often do you get air pumped(literally pumped) into your body?
Obviously not often.
Unless of course you're not normal and suck in helium everyday.
That's a different story.
So the doctor inserted 2 needles.
The short on pierced through my bone.
I think it was my bone cause that's what I saw when he was doing it thru the
x-ray machine.
The second needle was longer than the first
Actually super long.
He told me to look away but I find the whole process fascinating.
So I looked.
It was cool.
When he was pumping in the air,it was even more cooler.
I could feel my skin stretching and my shoulder tightening.
Bad thing was,and still is..
I can't move my shoulder.
Now I have a new mole on my left shoulder.
Given MC till 1st May.
Yes,unnecessary since Thursday is already a holiday.
Damn it,Manchester lost!
And that penalty wasn't deserving!
Look at Carrick's face expression!
Poor soul.
That has got to be the crappiest game I have ever watched.
And that was the first time I got real angry watching a match.
I feel a little bit better.
I won't be in school for 4 days.
Usually people will be jumping for joy when they get to skip school for 4 days.
But I'm not jumping.
It's nearing Mid year.
Actually it already is here.
I'm hungry.
And I need food.
So bye!
I guess her words speaks louder than her actions.
She's good at saying things,worrying and fretting over things.
Trying to be sympathetic towards others.
Empathy huh?
So much for putting yourself in other people's shoes.
Another one.
I apologise even though I know it wasn't entirely my fault.
You're a part of it.
That apology you gave me wasn't sincere,at least I think it wasn't.
You're not superior and I am not inferior to you.No.
We're both ordinary human beings.
We're equals.
The feeling of superiority,it bred.
Thus making you think you can step on me.
I may not retaliate.I may not budge.I may not raise my voice.Not yet.No one dictates my life.
You're just an external factor.
When I say I'm steering right,I mean right.
You're not changing anything.
I try my hardest to deny what they've been saying.
The words that has been going around.
But then again,the truth always finds the surface.
And you're definitely showing me the proof.
Pointing out every single flaw and mistake I've made or have wouldn't do anyone any good.
Maybe it will to you but not to others.
Blackmail,doesn't work on me.
The world's a stage.
It's not entirely yours.
You can do anything you want in the world.
To anyone you want.
But remember Allah.You're getting the sins.
Not me.
Even though I know I should stop you.
But I just can't find that initiative to do so.
Because I can't be bothered.
I've had enough of compromising everytime.
If you think I'm talking about you.
Then maybe I am.
Bad day with the shoulder.Tsk,tsk,tsk.Just had to take the crowded bus to Shida's bus stop.
It wouldn't be crowded if it wasn't for the Greenview kids hogging it.
I think they had Sports day.
Went up the stairs and she just had the perfect aiming and aimed for the spot that hurts the most on my shoulder.
Yes,I refrained from screaming in pain.
Bulls eye!
I think they know I'm stressing out and I need food.:)Amazing.Today's Mother tongue lesson was sweet.
I actually enjoyed it.
We had to read our poems out loud.
And I have to say,my classmates have creative minds.
It was the second time we were doing this.
And this time,it was even better.
Friendship was the topic given.
And some wrote about the ups and downs of friendships.A broken beyond repair kind of friendship.A friendship between a human and a pet.A friendship that ended because one of them passed away.A friendship that turned to love.One was dedicated to me.
And it was
really sweet.:)
I swear to god,I had never been that fascinated and amazed by someone.
I stared,blinking only when I had to.
And no,my mouth wasn't agape.
Sweet little kid.:)
Woah,a lot of smileys today huh?
It alright,rather than sad faces.
Went to Iqah's grandmum's house.
She made pizza and cooked siput gong-gong.
I know some of you wouldn't know what the heck siput gong-gong is..
All I can say is that it's seafood and it's like a seashell,sort of.
If that description is not well,good.
Thanks Iqah for the invitation.Bye!
I smell toast.
I practically have
nothing to do at home.
I can't vacuum the house.
Can't iron my uniform.
Things I normally do on weekends.
Gone now.
Yesterday's Carnival Day was the most boring carnival day
I've attended since I was sec 1.
I mean it was fun when the water bombs were being thrown.
Bu then we ran out of balloons and decided to close the stall.
I took advantage of my 'handicapped' ness(not a word) yesterday.
Haziq got really wet thanks to me and Iqah.
He was filling up the balloons and wanted to tie it up.
So he bent down and his head was under the tap.
I came along and on the tap,his head got soaked.
He tried to get me back.
Then I said
,"I'm handicapped for god's sake!""You should be lucky!"Hahaha :)
So after the whole thing ended,went to OEPS to watch the soccer match.
They look so cool in green!
Happy Birthday to Afiq!He was cracking jokes yesterday.
Went home during half time.
I think I got tired from running around filling up water balloons and getting the balloons.
Notdoppler's waiting.
I am suppose to do my Biology homework now.
But no,here I am in front of the comp.
Blogging and blog hopping.
Exams starting next Friday.
Piang! -.-"
Ahhhhhhh,I Miss miss miss miss miss _________
No offence but is it the season for break ups?
I turn left,there's a break up.
Turn right,there's a break up.
Seriously,but no offence.
I'll do my Bio homework now.
Lame lah Insyirah!
Dah lah.
The boredom constructs in the morning.
But then collapse as the day goes by.
"Your hand is injured,let me play instead.Go!""Okayokay..""Hey,I want my name not yours!""Yes,after the game ends you can put your name.."If you think that was the conversation between me and one of my siblings..
Hahahaha,wrong baby.
That was my dad.
Hahaha,he shoo-ed me away and ended up playing the game.
With deep focus.
I accompanied my sister to Loyang Point,came back home and he was still on the computer!
"I keep losing!"Lol,the man has no skill.
He should learn from the pro.
EHEM!Funny thing,I just watched the video clip of
No You Hang Up.Hahahaha,told my sister to tell Ferhan to watch.
The birds and the bees.
Izzul fell and land on his bottom.
Maybe he hit his balls.
He had a really stun look.
And then we laughed.
And then he cried.
Hope the reproductive system still works.
I don't want an infertile brother!
MRI scan.Know what it is?
It's the type of scanning where you have to lie down and they put you in the tunnel and then the scanning's done.
Cool huh?
Yeah cool.
But getting MC for 4 days is definitely not cool.
Heck,I'm going back to school on 2nd May despite my condition cause there's exam on that day.
And there's no way I'm going to miss my Mid Year.
I think I should listen to what Iqah said.
"Put a label 'DO NOT TOUCH' on your shoulder and arm"Because no matter how dominant the sling is,people apparently don't give a rat's ass about it and just conveniently bump into my oh so healthy shoulder.
You'll probably know I'm being sarcastic.
So yes,got all the common test papers back.
And I only failed one which is not surprising.
Hahaha :)
I didn't get borderline passes.
8 April was Wirda's birthday.10 April was Lynn's birthday.11 April is Baidura's birthday.15 April is Jing Yi's birthday.22 April is Munir's birthday.Amazing.
I miss Notdoppling.
So I should Notdopple now!
Absent from school.
High fever.
And damn it,I miss the oral exam.
Which means,I still have to worry about taking the retest.
And the teacher's Mr Razali.
I 'm going to school though tomorrow.
Ouh yeah,there's the OP appointment.
Haha,I think I'm looking forward to it but at the same time..
I don't want to know what's wrong with my shoulder.
Weird but true.
That's Insyirah.
I absolutely despise high fever.
They make you feel,retarded.
I mean,I couldn't remember most of the things that happen yesterday.
I slept like a baby after I got back from school yesterday.
My grandmother woke me up at 8 plus and I foolishly thought it was the next morning.
And I thought I was dreaming when Hamdy called me.
Hahaha,sorry dude!
My sister is currently playing Constantine on Xbox.
And she said
,"The nurses will wake up right?""Those are not nurses.Nurse is a doctor's assistant.They're corpse."Now that was Syimir,saying it in a matter-of-a-fact tone.
"He just taught you the obvious." I said"I feel so insulted!"Hahahaha,Syimir can be one funny guy sometimes.
Okay,I think I'll Notdopple.
I just finished watching little rascals.
Hahahaha,cute little kids they are!
"I whipped out my lizard!"-froggyIt's an old family comedy.
In the year 1994.
Porky is one adorable little fella.
His real name in the movie is Eugiene
'Porky' Lee.

Cute huh?
The bloopers was even cuter.
"I forgot the word..."And he had hiccups.
No one's at home now.
So I shall Notdopple till I'm needed.
I guess I got them back.
But now,I feel it starting again.
I shall just shrug and be patient.
Hamdy bought me the half dress I've been aiming for!And Jesus!Eh,taubat Insyirah,taubat!Ya Allah!It's expensive.But babe,thanks much yeah?I love it.:DMy Grandmother is cooking
Roti Kirai now.
I think if I were to describe it for you people who are wondering now what in the name of hades it is..
I'd say it looks like a fishing net.
yellow in colour.
Though my sister finds it funny to actually use a
red or a
blue dye to change the colour.
It still taste the same.
I want to learn some martial arts.
Actually,I don't think I need to.
Sahidah said I'm violent.
And yes thanks,I get that a lot.
Gadafi called me a weirdo.
And thanks,I get that a lot too.
Gada,you get at least a B for Geog and the boots is yours to keep.
I can't help but laugh everytime I look at my x-ray.
It's so abnormal that I always laugh.
Hahahaha,and then I'll start touching my shoulder.
Tak betul!
I want to crash on the bed now.
And no,I don't mean literally.
Like hey!
People knows I crashed my bed(literally) before and what happened?
It broke.
Wrestling with my siblings at 12 midnight.
NUR INSYIRAH BINTE MOHAMED ABU BAKAR.Reminder from SGH:You have an appointment on 9 april 2008 at 3:15.Specialist Outpatient Clinic.Mentang-mentang nama aku
Hahha,but it's true lah.
I want to Notdopple now.
Didn't go to school today.
Went for an x-ray.
Got back to mum's clinic.
Went to polyclinic again.
And got a referral letter to
SGH for an appointment with the
OP(bone doctor).
That's on 9 April.Got a week off any Physical activities.:(
no netball.And mum seems happy about it. -.-"
There's no fracture on the left shoulder,nor abrasions.Just a suspicious widening of the joints.The x-ray looks well,not normal.Something got to do with putting on weight bearings.Probably need surgery.Surgery's kind of nice.
But if that hinders me from playing netball for the whole year,I am not happy about it.
Off that topic,I feel fine.I know something's wrong.
But I don't exactly know what it is.
I'm cracking my brains figuring it out.
And did I mention it's driving me nuts?
I miss her.
I really do.
The inbox.
I see what we had in the past.
It's going down the drain now.
Sometimes I wonder if she even care anymore.
Does she know I still do?
Does she know that I'm worried?
Does she know what's going on?
A host of unanswered questions.
If that sounds almost depressing to you.
Well heck,it's my blog.
And people,I'm straight!
Ok,the only reason I'm on the computer now is because I had to do Arif,Raqiib and Hamdy a favour.
Send their NPPAs.
You guys better be grateful for this!Ok,I think I'm done here for now.
P.S. I believe that just because someone don't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.And I believe that sometimes,when I'm angry I have the right to be angry.But that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.